Salı, Ocak 23, 2007


And some of you are harmonies to all the notes I play
Although we may not meet still you know me well
While others talk in secret keys and transpose all I say
And nothing I do or try can get through the spell
So one more time we'll dim the lights and ring the curtain up
And play again like all the times before
But far behind the music you can almost hear the sounds
Of laughter like the waves upon the shores
Of infinity

4 yorum:

ABİ dedi ki...

b.t.b.d.= birbirini tanımayan blog dostları..

yan taraftan one stage before'u dinle derim ben..

7.oda dedi ki...

iyi de ingilizcemiz kötüyse ne yapıcaz şimdi:(

ABİ dedi ki...

yapazayis bi tercüme..gönderezeyis.. ama biras zaman lûtfen..:)

ABİ dedi ki...

Yanıt bi sonraki posttadır.. Rötardan yana..pardon..:)